Friday, February 24, 2012

I had to make a pizza box for one of my projects and I'm looking for something cute to decorate it with. What are usually on pizza boxes like a chef, tomatoe, ect?|||two pizza slices with faces talking or joking or even eating pizza ahhh noooooo|||draw a penis, it would be interesting. :P|||yeah a chef a cute one|||Milky Way wrapper soo they get confused

...or the Galaxy|||A clogged artery|||yahh, do a fat chef with a big puffy white hat on!
that would be really cute!|||… I like this one!……|||a pizza with a cute little face, and little pepperonis on it winking and smiling happily.

or a chef tossing the pizza dough in the air, and the little pizza looks frightened.

or the little pizza in the oven and says, "its toasty in here!"|||pizza, cheese shaker, and glass pop, or someone eating pizza...~♥~|||Anything that 'Does NOT look cute'.

I would NEVER EVER buy anything that even looked vaguely 'cute'.

Sash.|||I like the ones that Fritter has for you.|||A pizza eating a man slice.|||How about muppet veggies w/ the Swedish chef of the Muppet Show.|||SpongeBob SquarePizza LOL

for pizza ideas I got mine here…|||site for pizza:…


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