Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I am passionate about making pizza, and I want to know peoples opinion on this. Keep in mind I marinate the tuna in balsamic and cumin to get the fishy flavor out.|||Yuckie!!, makes me gag just thinking of it!! LOL|||Sweet heart already invented in some states find a new invention! lol.|||No & your recipe would add to the awful favor.|||Ummm, no. I don't think I'd care for it at all.|||I think it would be delish. I made a pizza w tuna, roasted peppers & onions (& cheese? don't recall) years ago, & a caesar salad pizza, they came out great. Wolfgang Puck, as I recall, makes a smoked salmon appetizer pizza.

Here's some interesting flavors to give you some more ideas. Go for it. Enjoy.

http://www.cpk.com/menu/pizzas.aspx|||tuna pizza has been around for a zillion years. use to be quite popular at a local pizzaria here but it's phase is long gone. still an occasion order for it by an old timer. (no longer on the menu).|||eew gross... cheese and fish? Ick.|||I dont think so, but then again I never tried it!


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