Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I ordered a Dominos Pizza from a South Australian store (Aberfoyle Park) and it was half covered with bacon, an ingredient I did not order and could not eat. When I complained, the lady from the store basically told me that it was common for Dominos pizzas to be contaminated by ingredients the customer did not order, and that's just the just it was. Anyone else has the same problem with Dominos?|||I can see maybe an olive or sausage bit being on your pepperoni pizza as it fell in the other buckets of toppings and they were in a hurry and just didn't notice it but not the entire half of a pizza! They just messed up your order and won't admit it.I would call the mgr or main office and tell them how you were treated and how the pizza was.I don't care what country you are in either,any food should be made the way you order it you are the one paying for it.|||Well I work at Dominos well spring valley store and sometimes we will have a like someone said a olive or something like a pineapple on the pizza but not covering the darn thing if we did we would make it over and give it to ya free!

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|||I don't care what country you're in. If you order a pizza it should come with what you order. Call Dominos corporate number. It's the only way to change things.|||I hate domino's!
BOSTON PIZZA!:D|||yup 100% normal for dominos...thats why i dont order from it.!
xx|||Dominos sucks in the US, too. And that so sad too bad attitude is probably what you'd get if you complained about their pizza here too. I bet you didn't get half as much of what you DID order as what you did NOT order; typical Dominos. Their pizza is so unacceptable in taste to begin with...there are too many alternatives if you want to order pizza. )We banned it from our dorm a few years back; if you were caught bringing it into the building, we'd raise he**. Yes, do call their corporate number...going straight to the top seems to be the only way to get decent customer service on anything anymore. Tell them you want your $$ back so you can go buy a REAL pizza!|||She may not have really understood your issue. It's fairly common for a few pieces of stray ingredients to end up on a pizza, especially at a fast food joint. If your pizza had a lot of bacon on it, they just messed up the order and put the bacon on the wrong pizza.

If you have strong restrictions against eating pork, I would stay away from all pizza shops, unless it is a very good restaurant. Then tell the waiter to ask that the kitchen take extra care to avoid pork.

Really, all fast food restaurants that serve pork products may get stray pieces in other food, shared grease, etc.

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