Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I've been making some great pizza lately for my customers. I drop the dough on the floor before putting the toppings on it. It gives it more flavor and people have been raving about the taste lately. Do you want a slice?|||it sill good. actually is better because it got a little extra kneading when it hit the floor. it wil come out nicer and flufier, plus if the floor was dirty, the pizza will have that gourmet style little blackie dots on it, that resemble it being baked in an old fashioned charcoal oven. buon apetito!!|||Is your floor sprinkled with psilocybin and THC? Normally, your pizza tastes better. I had a really kewl pizza the other night. It smoked cigars and played a strombocellini. We stayed-up and watched Meatballs, all night.|||You must advertise a new "special" everyday.|||Lol as long as you pick it up before 10 seconds your good.|||that is so gross...tell me where you work so i will know where not to eat at.|||You work for Pizza Hut, right?
I've noticed they seem to be doing that lately.......|||Uh...No
I wonder if your boss or local health department knows what you're up to.|||I would love to have a whole pizza. Hamburger and Pepperoni. Oh, and sprinkle some crushed red pepper on it before you put it in the oven. And a large Coke please.|||You have got to be kidding me. I hope the Health Department finds out about you and closes you down.|||Um, ew? What the heck? The ten second rule is pretty much fake as shitt. Doesn't work. Doesn't mean anything. Ew. Thats so illegal. Hope your joking here buddyy.|||Oh jeez. That's putting lives at risk, dude. Not cool.|||Yeah, why not? Cooking it probably takes away most of the bacteria that would be on the floor.

So, yeah, give me a slice.|||10 second rule !!

Extra sauce on mine please !|||Yes please , as long as you don't drop the toppings|||I don't really think this makes a difference in taste... unless you regularly sprinkle spices onto the floor? It could just be a coincidence. But sure, I'll have some! I love pizza! *grabs*


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