Friday, February 3, 2012

Let say whenever some horny home alone female calling for pizza. The guy who delivery pizza end up being asked by female to make love with him.

I know it's rare but just an idea what chances are. Maybe one from 50 pizza guy? More or less?

Just be realistic idea, we all heard story such as movie and internet about pizza man bring pizza and some 4 female answer the door and pull him in the house. Pizza man end up have sex with all 4 female.|||Hi Ben,

To be honest, think about it...

If you call for pizza, what's on your mind when the person arrives?

for me its...I'M HUNGRY LET'S EAT!!!

Personally I don't care if the delivery person is the hottest woman on the planet, my mind is on the food otherwise it'll get cold.

If that ever happens to anyone, its rare.

More likely, if you're worried about something like that happening, don't trust the plumber!|||The pizza guy has a job and if he is screwing every delivery he isn't going to keep his job very long. So even though he would be tempted he has to worry about keeping his job. Knowing that order your pizza and answer the door naked. Not wrapped in a towel or peaking around the door. Whip open the door bare *** naked and after you pay for you pizza plus tip thank him for doing a good job.|||If you are planning to be a pizza delivery dude for thaat, i will tell you zero chance.

But in a sexy world where fiction is the main source of intellect, I would hypothetically say outta 99 pizza delivery. It depends on whose the guy though, because interesting fact is you attract things by who you are.|||That doesn't actually happen in real life.|||i think that you are having this idea when ordering your next pizza.|||ok im gonna give the most realistic answer ever

NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS|||Ummmm...I'm guessing 0 out of 1000.


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