Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'm planning a pizza party and I'm trying to figure out how many pizzas I need to buy. If there are different sizes, tell me how many slices are in each. Easy ten points! Thanks!|||I usually get about 16 good size slices out of a regular size pizza. you could cut it into smaller pieces but your guest will still eat more because the tiny sliver of pizza will not fill them up.

if you are looking to stretch your dollars, try serving bread sticks before you bring out the pizza because your guest will fill up on bread and not be so hungry.

have fun with your pizza party, sounds like a blast.|||The store will cut it any way you want it, but when you go in a buy a pizza with no details, they'll slice it in 6 lager slices per pizza.|||Tell them not to cut it, you can cut in anyway you want. 4,8,12,16,32,64 It is the best way so it will stretch it out a little "good luck and enjoy your pizza)|||uuuuh idk about 72 but over here in sunnyvale and in regular large boxes its 12 or 20 slices idk what dat lady under me is smoking though lol.....|||72 slices in the large...186 in the jumbo. But they are very thin slices.


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