Friday, March 9, 2012

Stupid question, but I was wondering what the oven time is for Dominos Pizza.|||UK Dominos, Dependent on the type of oven..
Non Fastbake - 6mins to 6mins 15
Fastbake - 5mins 30 to 5mins 45

Thats with the temp at about 240 degrees C

So... on average the load time (Time from Pizza to Oven) is about 3 mins, 6 in the oven, 1 min faffing with cutting, dipping, and assembling the order... all done in 10 mins.
If its busy, 15 mins, but again if its REAL busy could take a bit longer.|||In england it takes 10 minuets x

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|||It takes a few minutes to take the order and assemble the pie(s), then about 10 minutes in the oven, which makes the pie ready about 15 minutes total after the call comes in. That is why in most places, they can guarantee a 30 minute delivery time, as 15 minutes of the half hour is still available for delivery. I do not work there, but I have a regular routine for a weekly poker game (we randomly draw from several fast food places from a group of 8 for the following week. The only rule is that we do not order from the same place two weeks in a row. Domino's comes out every couple of weeks, and I get the job since I live closest, so I pick up the pizza's on my way over and I combine the pickup with checking my PO box for mail.) I stop at Domino's, order the pizzas and then walk a little ways across a street to the post office, check my PO box, and take care of business which generally takes me about 15 minutes to sort through the backlog, pay the bills and such. When I get back, the pizzas are ready or just coming out of the oven. I asked them about the time and what they told me is what I just told you above. By the way, where I live, they limit the delivery area to 5 miles so they make the 30 minutes they advertise. If outside 5 miles, they adjust the delivery time when they take the order and make sure the caller knows it may take longer because of the distance involved. The thing is, where I live, there are several located within a 5 mile radius of my house, and of the 5 I know of, I could call any one of them and they could deliver within the advertised 30 minutes. By the way, the poker game was moved to late Tuesday so we can take advantage of the 2xTuesdays offer and get 2 for the price of 1. By the way, since I take out the pies, I leave the tip normally left to the driver with the staff on hand. It wouldn't be fair otherwise. At the Domino's I use, I found out they pool the tips and share equally. Most people who pickup and take out do NOT leave a tip, but when delivered these same people ALWAYS give the driver something, which is another reason for the staff to remember me I guess.|||When I worked at Pizza hut it took 9 minutes...i don't know bout dominos though sorry gotta be about the same


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